Asep Sunandar Sunarya : The Legendary Master of Wayang Golek

Asep Sunandar Sunarya
Asep Sunandar Sunarya

Asep Sunandar Sunarya, Indonesian Wayang Golek Maestro

Javanese culture has, indeed, remained steadfast despite significant changes in religious influence over the years. During the arrival of Islam in Java, people found spiritual strength in wayang performances. Therefore, figures like Asep Sunandar Sunarya play a crucial role in inheriting and advancing the art of wayang golek, which continues to be an inseparable part of Javanese culture even today.

Asep Sunandar Sunarya, Islamic Influence and Evolution of Javanese Traditions

There is a relationship between Asep Sunandar Sunarya and religiosity, especially Islam. As Islam spread to Java, traditional Javanese life began to transform. Islamic missionaries actively sought ways to promote Islam among animistic and dynamic beliefs, which created a new, mystical atmosphere in Java, often reflected in ceremonies dedicated to ancestral spirits.

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Asep Sunandar Sunarya is also close the traditional term. Subsequently, traditional ceremonies became part of social activities, as people collaborated to ensure communal safety—a powerful manifestation of cultural values. However, when Hinduism and Buddhism arrived, the locals integrated these religions with existing traditions, creating a unique blend of local and foreign cultures. Consequently, the mystical practices in Javanese society reached their peak during the Hindu-Buddhist era.

In its early stages, wayang connected closely with ancestral spirit worship. To honor and appease these spirits for protection, people initially performed shadow puppet shows. Over time, this practice continued, eventually becoming a deeply ingrained tradition in the agrarian society. Interestingly, Javanese people have embraced wayang as part of their culture for over a thousand years. As shadow performances evolved into wayang shows, Hindu cultural influences introduced tales from the Mahabharata and Ramayana, alongside the Vedas. As a result, early wayang stories depicted the adventures and heroism of ancestors, and its popularity only grew when these stories were translated into Old Javanese.

Asep Sunandar Sunarya
Photo Asep Sunandar Sunarya With Wayang Golek

Asep Sunandar Sunarya, Prosperity and Tradition in Javanese Culture

Before talking about Asep Sunandar Sunarya, Koentjaraningrat emphasizes that Javanese culture fosters well-being, safety, and happiness within its community. This culture is rich and multifaceted, deeply rooted in beliefs, traditions, and artistic expression.

Beliefs form the foundation of Javanese identity. The Javanese have a strong belief in cosmology, cosmogony, protective deities, supernatural beings, and mystical powers. These beliefs shape their perception of the world and influence daily life. The spiritual connection to these forces is integral to their understanding of existence.

Asep Sunandar Sunarya is also related to tradition. Traditions, passed down through generations, also play a crucial role. Ceremonies such as paruwatan serve to cleanse individuals from impurities. The ruwatan ceremony, held during the Ruwah month, and wedding ceremonies in Syawal, strengthen communal ties and reinforce cultural values. These rituals are central to preserving Javanese customs and maintaining social harmony.

Asep Sunandar Sunarya is also closely related to art. Art is another essential expression of Javanese values. Asep Sunandar Sunarya is a person who likes to play puppets. Wayang performances, for instance, serve as a medium for teaching moral lessons and cultural ideals. Characters like the Punakawan exemplify these values, ensuring the transfer of knowledge across generations. Through creativity and emotion, Javanese art continues to thrive, reflecting the intentions and values of its people. Thus, Javanese culture remains vibrant, continuously evolving while preserving its core principles.

The Prince of Indonesian Wayang Golek

Asep Sunandar Sunarya is very close to wayang golek, especially Giriharja. Among the many “princes” born in the “Wayang Kingdom” of Giriharja, Jelekong, Majalaya, he truly stands out. Notably, he became famous across Indonesia for his wayang golek performances, where his puppets would sometimes vomit blood or noodles, smoke, or even have their heads smashed by a club. When private TV stations began broadcasting his shows, he quickly achieved national fame.

Asep Sunandar Sunarya, born on May 5, 1955, in Kampung Giriharja, Jelekong, Bandung, attributes his skill in puppetry to his family heritage. As the seventh of thirteen siblings, Asep’s excelled among the six who followed their father’s path as dalang (puppeteers). Although he primarily learned the craft from watching his father, Abah Sunarya, Asep Sunandar Sunarya also completed a puppetry course held by the West Java Puppetry Foundation in 1972.

Asep Sunandar Sunarya imaginative innovations significantly transformed traditional puppetry, as he drew inspiration from his childhood interests in socializing, martial arts films, and cartoons. Asep Sunandar Sunarya remarkable skills in antawacana (dialogue) and paguneman (conversation) allowed him to portray characters with authenticity. Additionally, he particularly excelled with Punakawan characters (Semar, Cepot Udel, and Gareng) and epic battle scenes, skillfully conveying Islamic teachings, philosophy, and Sundanese proverbs.

Asep Sunandar Sunarya talent has taken him not only across Indonesia but also abroad, to countries such as France, the United States, and Germany. Moreover, he has won several puppetry competitions and earned numerous national and international awards.

Asep Sunandar Sunarya
Asep Sunandar Sunarya

Family, Career, and Achievements

Asep Sunandar Sunarya, a renowned traditional puppeteer, has greatly influenced the art of puppetry since 1970. Asep’s honed his craft as a dalang (puppeteer) and became an essential member of the Giriharja III Association, an organization dedicated to preserving and promoting puppetry in West Java. His talent and dedication have earned him numerous prestigious awards, marking his significant impact on the cultural landscape.

In particular, Asep Sunandar Sunarya achieved 1st place in the Binojakrama, a highly respected West Java Puppetry Competition. This award showcased his exceptional storytelling skills and artistic mastery. Additionally, the West Java Puppetry Foundation recognized his contributions in both 1979 and 1980, further establishing him as a leading figure in the regional puppetry scene.

In 1995, his contributions were further acknowledged when he received the West Java Governor’s Award, honoring his dedication to puppetry. In the same year, Asep’s also received the Presidential Award of Indonesia, a testament to his efforts in preserving and promoting Indonesia’s cultural heritage through puppetry.

On a personal level, Asep Sunandar Sunarya shares his passion for cultural traditions with his wife, Nenah Hayati, who actively supports his artistic journey. Together, they are committed to keeping the art of puppetry vibrant, ensuring its survival for future generations.


As a reliable source of information, this article draws on a variety of references from both books and academic journals. These sources provide well-researched and credible insights, ensuring that the content presented is accurate and supported by established scholarly materials.

Here are the references from the article above.

  • Rosidi, A. (2003). Apa Siapa Orang Sunda. Bandung: PT Kiblat Buku Utama.

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